Drive Talk (Part 3)

I love this job!

For me, it’s like being paid to play; and Pam, my wife, will tell you I love to play! I love it because I love to drive, and I love meeting people. Not to forget I work when I want to.

Plus, I’m getting paid! How does it get better than this?

In last week’s post, I covered the beginning of rides and their conversations. Many of my rides are short. A few miles, lasting 3 to 10 minutes. Longer rides allow for deeper and more meaningful conversations. The focus is directed by the passengers’ questions, comments, and general interest or if they’re in the middle of a challenge they want an answer to.

I start about 6:30 am and stop about 6:30 pm or when daylight ends. Many passengers ask “Isn’t that a long day? Don’t you get tired?” No! I’m too busy enjoying myself!

When do kids stop playing? When mom calls them home! Afterwards, I may realize I’m tired, but not during the moment. I’m in the mix, enjoying myself.

Does that sound appealing?

Can you imagine having a job you enjoy and feel like a child enjoying yourself on your favorite playground?

Sounds too good to be true?

I’ve found that when I put my passion and love into a job, any job, this is my experience that follows. Even jobs I once hated became a playground after I began putting my passion and love into them.

I call it my CrossMark Story. That’s where I experienced that passion isn’t in a job, it’s in us. Let me repeat that: It’s our passion – It’s in us! We can choose when and where we put it. Some jobs naturally align with us, but any job can.

Think of it like a coin. Every coin has two sides; every opportunity, event and job has two sides. We can focus on what it takes away or what it gives us. We choose our focus and perspective.

Want to discover how to generate energy like the Energizer Bunny or like the Timex watch – Take a licking and keep on ticking?

Until next time,