Fine-Tuning “Coming of Age”

As a child, I found wonder, joy, and inner peace easily and frequently. It was not a thought process as much as it was an inner auto-default setting. I took it for granted.

Through it, I recovered from my crushing losses, defeats, and stumbles with Mother’s kind and loving words and kisses. Like flipping a light switch, I got over it. Whatever “it” was, it didn’t keep me down.

As I grew, I experienced the pains, disappointments, and despair of setbacks and failures. I began to doubt and distrust the world and then myself. I became bewildered and lost my way. I thought life was unfair and cruel. I didn’t know what I had done or why I wasn’t good enough. I just knew I wasn’t.

This song, Plenty Good Enough by my friend and mentor Carmen Moshier, helped me turn it around! Listen to its message, presented by the innocence of children’s voices reaching out to you and I, telling each of us we’re plenty good enough!

Carmen Moshier ~ Plenty Good Enough

I have upleveled my skills through Karaoking with Carmen’s music to broaden my perspective. Seeing a bigger picture of myself and all that it entails.

I’ve learned to mentally carry pictures of myself in my mind. I experience and feel that moment, acknowledging I’m older but still that child of God in my picture. I’ve grown through the experiences. They’re the lessons and pains of emerging; becoming responsible for my thoughts and actions; the life I choose to grow through.

As a child, I found wonder and joy in simple, everyday moments. As I grew, I practiced more advanced levels of wondering and imagining what life could be like. I created deeper storylines to discover and experience. I’ve learned to find joy in awareness of The Creator’s love flowing through me and you.

Each of us!

Love flows in seemingly counter-productive ways that deceive the eye and confound the mind.

Until next time,

P.S. I celebrate my inner child and my inner child celebrates me – its older, wiser, more experienced self. It tells me it’s proud of me. It applauds my learning to change course, rebound, and reinvent myself as needed.

After all, my goal is being true to the emerging wonder, joy, and peace within me. The love for life and living, honoring all that “I AM THAT I AM” is!