Serendipity (Conclusion)

“Will I ever make it?” and “What’s holding me back?” are questions familiar to all of us. Even those of us who appear to have it made, often don’t see that way. The rich and famous have challenges, disappointments, and struggles just like the rest of us.

Neil Diamond’s Hell Yeah, story of when appears someone else is “Living the Dream,” they see themselves in a struggle just trying to make the best of it and “Get it right.”

I’ve certainly experienced trying to get it right while doubting myself, asking why can’t I do better? What’s holding me back? In a nutshell ¬– I found it was me!

Through countless experiences, when events happened, things went wrong, I saw life as being unfair, pointed my finger and blamed someone. Sometimes I blamed myself and other times I blamed someone else. Gradually, I realized blaming didn’t make it better.

I believed in responsibility and accountability so over time, step-by-step I learned to target what I could control – what I thought, said, and did.

This is important and bears repeating. Over time, I learned to focus on only what I could control – what I thought, said, and did. I thought this was being responsible – taking responsibility by blaming myself. I accepted that I had made my bed and I would sleep in it.

I was wrong!

I thought by holding myself accountable, I was taking responsibility and expected to hit my goals. Regardless, I still wasn’t any closer to the results I imagined.

Eventually I had an ‘Aha’ moment – I had merely changed the blame target. I wasn’t any closer to my objective – I was still caught up in figuring out who to blame!

Have you had moments or experiences like this?

I found the key is to forget blame. Forget fault! It doesn’t matter who is at fault or who is to blame. Blaming doesn’t change anything, doesn’t get me any closer to my end goal.

Instead, I think of fault as a crack in the earth. Nothing more.

Fault is a crack that divides the earth and divides or diverts my attention from my thoughts, words, or actions that achieve my intention.

None of us make it to our top without occasionally comparing ourselves and feeling we come up short. We doubt ourselves, asking “Will I ever make it?” Yes! You will. Similar to Diamond’s story, “Hell yeah you will, You’re gonna be okay … you might get lost … But you’ll find a way” Whatever you do, don’t give up. Believe in yourself!

There are times I don’t understand. I feel lost as how to proceed. I’ve found that by being grateful, choosing to give thanks for this moment, silently saying “Thank you Father, I am grateful. I don’t understand but I only see a smidgen of the big picture. I go forward in trust and faith because later I will see how it fits together. Amen.” Yes, there are times I’m still waiting to see, but I’m confident it will.

Like falling dominoes – it just happens!

I know by choosing this path, it empowers me in positive ways whereas overlooking the positive, denying myself, not going forth to love it all, weakens me and leaves me drained after the anger fades. If I listen to the uncertainty, fear fills my being with anger, hate, and resentment. It’s all pain leading to more pain.

When I choose trust, faith, and love, I acknowledge I’m only seeing a tiny glimpse, not the big picture, every time I feel vindicated by how it plays out – eventually. Some I’m still waiting to see it play out, but I’ve learned to be patient. I find it self-serving to choose, by faith, to love it all.

Acknowledge and accept with love and gratitude for it all. Every step, event, and moment.

This is vital and bears repeating: As Carmen’s message beautifully conveys, ask yourself “Can I Love It All?”

Carmen Moshier ~ Can We Love It All

Wait – there’s more.

Want a different perspective? Reflect on how can you love God, who you haven’t seen when you don’t love all you have seen.

Until next Time,

P.S. If, or when, you’re ready to make the changes you’re wishing for, reach out to me.