Will you consider this different perspective: Have you stopped to think how life is overflowing with opportunity?
I get excited when I look around and see the disruptions taking place. It’s like existence itself is coming apart while giving birth to a new normal.
We are uncertain what standards will replace the old. What will develop and replace the existing norms that until recently seemed irreplaceable?
Consider the message in Carmen’s There Is A Secret: Like the acorn contains the makings of an oak tree, you and I, each of us have a purpose ready and waiting to unfold.
Carmen Moshier ~ There Is a Secret
When a reporter asked, Einstein described imagination as the foundation and source of knowledge. Carmen’s song Just Imagine It inspires and guides me in finding the best in myself and any situation. Listen and see what you think.
Carmen Moshier ~ Just Imagine It
Carmen Moshier ~ People Of The World
The above clip from Matrix and Carmen’s song People Of The World say what’s been said many times, many ways: We’re all in this together!
Until next time,