“It Is What It Is” – How I Make the BEST of It!

For the longest time I thought I was in control of my life. I read, discovered, and experienced my life is up to me. It’s what I make it! Typically, I made my plans, set my goals, and did a good job of staying in control of the progress I made.

Then an unexpected event would happen. Looking back, I see I would react in ways that diverted my focus in unfavorable and negative ways. Looking deeper, I realized I would take something personal and go off course.

Last week I shared the experience that helped me clarify my understanding on how this often went. I would be progressing, having positive experiences, and suddenly I would let someone disrupt my journey.

They may say something negative about me or do something to me that I took personal, like cutting me off when driving, causing my blood pressure to jump and my temper to flare. Next thing I knew, I would be giving them a piece of my mind! See how they like that!

I’ll show them! I can give as good as I get!

This created reactions on their part and next thing I knew I had diverted my attention and gave their intrusion my 2-cents worth.

The bottom line? I’m fuming and ready to fight.

I was no longer on track to achieving my plans. I had relinquished my personal power and gave it to whoever or whatever interrupted me.

This seemed to be a standard operating practice until Pam and I experienced the young woman and Jack Canfield moment I covered last week.

I realized that nothing is personal. This is important and bears repeating.

Nothing in life is personal until I absorb the message and make it so!

I refuse to be a sponge soaking up dirty water, absorbing words and experiences not in my favor. I’m my own gatekeeper and I choose that which I let into my world!

I encourage you to do the same!

Until next time,