Making the Best of It – Regardless of what “It” is!

I think it’s safe to presume everyone has experienced unexpected and life-changing challenges and difficulties life is infamous for putting in our path.

As I described here, here, and here, I certainly have.

I discovered I can’t control the situations life confronts me with. Neither can you. None of us can. That’s up to the ‘Man Upstairs.’

The best I can do is learn to control my responses: How I think! What I say! What I do! Sometimes that escapes me. So, I practice. Again and again, I practice controlling my responses, endeavoring to make the best of the moment. That’s the best any of us can do!

Discovering and practicing how to make the best of our situation whenever s#*t hits the fan!

Regardless of what my goal is or how close I am, suddenly my goal shifts to first minimize the splatter and then proceed on!

Do you see what I’m saying? I put out the fire(s) and acknowledge the damage.

However – I DO NOT quit!

I keep on believing in myself. I carry myself with the awareness AND conviction that I am loved! I am given all I need. Even when I don’t see it, I know it’s there waiting for me.

As I described here, I think of “Loving You Again” by Emmy Lou Harris. I karaoke the lyrics silently in my mind, reminding me I am important and loved. Nothing changes that!

I recall previous times I had hit the ground. Crashed and burned, as described here and here, convinced I’d hit the end of the line. Only to receive the strength and energy needed to say, “I’m still here!” and this.

Nothing changes my conviction to proceed!

Until next time,