Stare Downs Haunt Us Forever! (Part 1)

It’s apparent that Cruz is still haunted by her ‘play it safe’ decision when she backed down from her first race. When she was stared down by the others flexing their muscles, racing their engines, looking different than her.

That’s when she backed down, surrendered her dreams, and settled for being a trainer of race cars. But, as Cruz vividly demonstrates, our regrets haunt us forever.

Cruz didn’t show them or herself, what she could do. If she had, she likely would have surprised herself and discovered there’s more to her than she thought. More than she gave herself credit for.

Teddy Roosevelt’s “Man In The Arena” inspires me to dismiss the scoff I imagine. I take the risk and reach for it!

When I find myself doubting myself, wondering how or what or when, I sing along with Carmen’s “There’s An Answer.” It inspires me to believe in myself, to reach for my goals! Listen to it, Sing along with it. See if Carmen’s message inspires you.

Carmen Moshier ~ There’s An Answer

I’ve learned magic can happen when I take my chances. I encourage you to let it happen for yourself!

Until next time,