Two Sides of the Coin Analogy

As I previously mentioned I use my Two Sides of the Coin analogy to assist and guide me to maintain my focus. Remember each moment is important – more than it appears!

With todays torrid rush of noise and distraction, it can be difficult to keep myself in the present. It takes practice and commitment. I occasionally get so caught up life’s distractions. I forget there’s no actual hurry.

If there’s a God, there’ll be a me. I’m timeless. So are you! Each of us is!

I am a spark of The Creator, whichever name each of us calls it, it doesn’t care. I’m timeless, and so are you!

I’ve experienced two paths in my life. Neither is better than the other. Both work equally well. The catch is – each operates accordingly to its own principles.

The first one, the physical path, relies upon our sensory skills. I call it “See, Want and Chase.” When I began driving with Lyft, I followed this pathway. Lyft listed their busiest days of the week, hours of the day, and locations each hour.

I used this information to determine when I drove and where I went for my best chance to receive ride requests. The bottom line was I generally spent a total of 2, 3 or 4 hours throughout each day waiting for a request.

I found the other path, the metaphysical path, much more to my liking. When I want to work, I go online with Lyft’s or Uber’s app, but I don’t leave home until I receive my day’s first request, which generally arrives within mere minutes of logging on.

Six years later, this still works!

From that point on, my day is constant rides. One after another. Each generally received within a few minutes of, if not before, completion of my current passenger’s ride. I call it Imagine, Ask, and Receive. Because that’s what I did and continue to do precisely because, like Rumi described – it works!

I relied on Rumi’s insight. I imagined the number and description of ride requests I wanted to receive and wrote it down. I applied My Ask Process to ask for it, then logged online and let the requests begin. This is along the lines as the timeless adage – work smarter not harder!

Check back next week or inquire here.

Until next time,