Finding Life’s Takeaway Points

Which perspective are you focusing on: Presumptions or inquiries?

In the clip I introduced in last week’s post, the three primary characters are the red race car Lightning McQueen and Smokey the pickup truck, and by reference – Doc.

The focus point is McQueen attempting to move on with his life after experiencing a career-ending setback. Fearing he no longer has what it takes, he loses confidence in himself and has sought out Smokey for guidance.

McQueen says he’s unsure what kind of help he needs but he doesn’t want to let what happened to Doc happen to him.

Smokey asks: “What did happen to him?” McQueen says racing was the best part of Doc’s life until his setback; and he was not the same afterwards.

Smokey asks: “Is that what you think?” He then proceeds to lead McQueen to an eye-opening revelation. Although Doc loved racing, he had blossomed mentoring McQueen.

For some, the doing is a prelude to sharing.

For example, in Ancient Greece, it was the custom for men to live their life reaching for their dream. Then, regardless their outcome, they fulfilled their circle by mentoring, training, and inspiring others to reach for theirs. Newton agreed, saying “If I have seen further, it’s by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Acknowledging those before him whose work cleared the path for his own.

What do you think?


P.S. For me, this clip’s takeaway points I focus on are:
      1. Look beneath the surface.
      2. Acknowledge our non-strengths but focus on our strengths.
      3. Funny what we can do when we’re not overthinking things.

What do you think, do you see what I’m saying?

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  • Elizabeth Davis Nov 1, 2021 Link

    Yes, I can see that, and I also notice that stages of life are also a focus, with the observation that change occurs and that whatever the change, there is always something valuable one can offer.