The Secret Hiding in Plain Sight! (Part 1)

In There Is A Secret, my friend and mentor Carmen Moshier gives a wonderful inspiring story encouraging me to listen to the inner voice within me – the voice of my Divine. That voice knows who I am, why I’m here,  and my purpose!

Sung by children, the innocence in their voices invoke a special warmth and touches my heart with inspiration and awe. I think it’ll do that for you as well.

Carmen Moshier ~ There Is A Secret

I was sharing my Living Full Tilt experiences when someone close to me remarked that they cannot be absolutely certain if there’s even a God, so why should they or anyone accept what I said?

I replied, “You’re correct. We don’t know and can’t prove for an absolute fact that you, I, or anything, even truly exist. Doubt what I say. Test it. That’s what I did. This is how I learned the insights my experiences taught me.”

Furthermore, there’s nothing new about any of this. Discussions on this date back over 2,000 years. This was when the years were counting down (before Christ) versus counting up like we do now.

During this time, discussions, heated arguments, punishments, even deaths were handed down because those in charge were against new ideas. To question or doubt was frowned upon – severely!

But some did.

Many who are now considered as history’s giants: humanity’s greatest thinkers and achievers – they did. Those who we now credit for creating the foundation for the modern world – they did. They encouraged the lessons, messages and insights I promote as Living Full Tilt.

I doubted and learned through my experiences; and I experienced a night-to-day change, a change of magnitude, in my perspective.

I learned that although I can’t be certain, I can doubt while being open, receptive, and weigh my findings and experiences. I can be diligent on what I choose to believe. Certainly, I make mistakes from time to time and make a point to learn from – accept, building self-confidence and discernment skills. Learning by doing. I think of it as practice.

This great secret hides in plain sight!

The rules you and I live by are what we make our bedrock foundation for life; what we spend our life pursuing our goals built upon our certainty on that unquestioned foundation. We cannot know for absolute certainty it’s anything more than a dream. A story we were told and we tell ourselves.

The producers of the hit movie series The Matrix acknowledged the similarities between their movies and “Allegory of the Cave.” Plato wrote “Allegory of the Cave”, explaining the uncertainty of what is presumed to be factual.

I don’t understand – I don’t require that I understand – I accept it. Actually, I embrace it with open arms because that choice frees me to both accept and work with what is and simultaneously have confidence in myself, despite acknowledging life’s uncertainty.

We can’t possibly know until after we’ve departed this world. It’s possible we may never know. We may be so caught up in our next level, our new “reality,” that we don’t care.

But Here in the Now, I’m here. I experience this “here.” I make choices based on what I choose to accept on hope and faith in my reasoning. I found exploring my options, becoming aware of what my choices entail and how they benefit me and you, is how you and I achieve goals.

Though practice and this process, I built my self-confidence, my belief in myself, and my skills to live FULL TILT and the world tilted in my favor! It will for you as well!

It’s how I emerge, and you will too!

Carmen Moshier ~ I Am Me In A Wonderful Universe

Until Next Time