Carmen Moshier ~ Child of the Universe
Do you feel the empowerment of being a spark of the One that’s nameless – yet has a thousand names?
No? Well, what are you waiting for?!?
You and I, each of us, everyone and everything is a child of the Universe, a spark of Source Presence.
An excerpt from Living Full Tilt; Celebrate Life, page 8. “Imagine ourselves as facets of the Divine; we are Godstuff. God is expressing as us, experiencing through each individual facet or spark for emerging. Similar to how you and I emerged while journeying through our life’s experiences, God is emerging through this conduit: us!
The bottom line is you and I are loved more than we know; more important than we can realize because we are more than what we have been led to believe – we are Godstuff! Whatever we wish for is within our grasp.”
I didn’t always think this way; I couldn’t accept or believe it. Indeed, for the longest time, I loathed my life, certain my life was beyond hope. There was nothing I could do; I had been dealt a life I hated. For the past 4 weeks, I have shared how what seemed to be garden variety happenstance events, inconsequential “accidents,” brought me a life-changing gift.
My new perspective – It’s my choice!
Carmen Moshier ~ Choose
Counter-intuitively and although it didn’t look like it at the time, through these “accidental events,” I’ve learned I am given everything I need. This is a game changer and bears repeating: Through the experiences and insights I have shared in my past 4 posts, my experiences opened doors to the life I was seeking but believed was out of my reach. I was certain I was stuck in a life I despised – but I was mistaken.
Through broadening my horizons (seeing through a different lens), I gained a new perspective and saw the ocean of infinite potential awaiting me: I am not limited by other’s preconceptions! I can look behind life’s curtain and ask “Why am I telling myself this?” “Is this the story I want to experience?”
If you’re interested and want to know more, ask me your questions.
Can You Imagine?
Like a sunburst, the joy, pride and love radiating from us penetrated through the walls of the delivery room as Pam and I held our child for the first time. We were proud parents, holding and looking at our child. Our feelings were indescribable; our child was magnificent.
I imagine this is a typical description for countless parents as they hold their newborn for the first time. Can you imagine what I’m describing? Have you experienced it yourself?
There is One that is nameless yet has a thousand names. As described above, each of us are a spark of that One. Regardless of whether I, or you, call It God, I Am That I Am, Universe, The One, etc., like most loving parents – It doesn’t care what name we use.
My point is, whatever name you use, do you visualize or imagine It/He/She is looking at you in this moment, each and every moment, feeling this way while thinking, “My child is magnificent!” Can you accept that when we make a mistake, God is smiling and thinking, “My child is growing!”
My point is, whatever name I use, I imagine It/He/She is looking at me each and every moment, feeling this way and thinking, “My child is magnificent!”
Do you?
Can you accept that when you make a mistake, God smiles and thinks, “My child is growing!”
No, not likely!
That was not an option that you or I were taught about!
Consequently, most of us are passive participants. I once was. Simply because I wouldn’t acknowledge or accept I had this option. I documented it here, here and here (see “I’d like to share a dream of a ‘Footprints in the Sand’ moment.”) to name just 3.
By playing with my Life APP (Awareness, Perception and Projection), my Awareness expanded my Perception, which changed my Projection. Seems so simple, yet this Aha moment is so empowering and satisfying.
If this interests you and you’re ready to explore how it feels; what’s it like to experience the joys, unshakable forgiveness, and unconditional love of active participation, ask me what’s it like.
Will it work for you as well?
Until Next Time,